About this blog

I wanted a blog where i keep the recipes together.  If i know where the recipe came from, i will credit it or provide the link.

I eat gluten free, so most if not all the recipes will be that.  I also eat largely vegetarian or pescaterian (i have fish a couple of times a week).   I am NOT vegan (no animal products - no milk, cheese, eggs, or honey) and i will not be trying to be vegan.  But i may still share some meat recipes here as i still cook them for my husband, Duane, who is not trying to be vegetarian, tho he ends up eating that way sometimes.  

Currently (as of November 2010), the doc has me on an extremely limited diet (no milk, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms, lettuce, several more) in order for me to try to heal.  Sigh.  These recipes probably won't reflect those limitations.